Monday, June 18, 2012


     I just got back from my running club. (Not just, I had a few beers after and had to get some groceries.)  I ran 3 miles in 22 minutes.  I'm gonna do some math here, thats ... nevermind, I'm bad at math, but thats pretty damn fast as far as I am concerned.  As far as a triathlon goes I have the running part under control.  After a 1/2 mile swim and a 15 mile bike ride I can still run a 5K(3.1 miles) in about 26-28 minutes. Now some of the crazy F'ers can do it in 17 minutes, but I dont care about them.  I fiend for the finish line.  Nothing can compare to the feeling, the high, I got when I saw the finish line at the first triathlon I did.  I was doing the Escape From Ft. Desoto.  I rounded the corner from the beach and hit the pavement and there it was. The giant inflatable blue and yellow finish line.  FINISH  I'm done.  Everytime I see that word I push as hard as I can.  There may not be somebody in front or behind me, its just something I need to do. (Totaly passed a dude in the last 5ft. in Dunedin)  A strong finish.  Something I need to prove to myself.  When I think I'm done I HAVE MORE!!
     Now I am 31, and just trying to battle being fat and lazy.  My friend Evan was born and had to fight to stay alive. Like right away, no breather, no sit and chill for a minute.  This kid is hardcore.  And he's only 2!!  The awesome thing is I don't even think he knows he is sick.  He is one happy baby!!  I know with the wicked awesome parents he has, the great family they have, and the friends and loved ones around them we can make life easier for Evan.  Help me out with my quest to help my friend Evan.  I'm sure if you needed help he'd be all about helping you out. He'd be lke" F' Yeah I'm gonna help a complete stranger.  I'm only 2 and I know thats the right thing to do.  But I'm not going to see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer. That movie just looks stupid."

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